Curator for 50 permanent installed Canadian Aboriginal Artworks for 16 Olympic venues in Richmond, Vancouver, West Vancouver and Whistler. This included youth mentorship programs, established to emerging artworks, textiles and Four Host First Nations art. Aboriginal artwork from across Canada was represented, including First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

There were also five large collaborative projects, with each producing one large sculptural installation and100 smaller artworks. Fifty of the smaller collaborative works were auctioned at a 2009 Fall Gala Event.  This event was coupled with an Art Market where over 80 Aboriginal Artist from across Canada participated.

We published a full coloured book that documented all of the artworks. The following images are samples of the work completed in this time.

Vancouver Organizing Committee

2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games

Title: Project Manager, Venues Aboriginal Art Program

Date: 2007 to 2010